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Now I'm speechless, Over the edge, I'm just breathless.

I love Swimmers, EP and Meiyan.


Birthday: 4th November 1992
School: CHIJ SJC
Class: 4 Benevolence
House: St. Elizabeth


♥Andrea Flavia
♥Angie Tan
♥Bi Fang ; Mario
♥Eunice Sim
♥Joey ; Ah Lau
♥Li Jie
♥Lynn Long
♥Melissa Tan
♥Rachel Zhou ; EP
♥Swim Team

Friday, October 31, 2008

I miss these people above!!!

Lee Mei Yan: Please come back quick quick! Maybe I go fetch you on that day! Miss you loads.

Seetoh Suying: Good luck for your remaining papers and go Nepal climb climb climb. The next time I see you, it will be on the 7th december.

Alexandra Chua See Huey: Though I just saw you yesterday, I still miss you a lot! (:

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Things have changed. Speechless.
Studied with Zebrina today morning then went to Oln to meet Patricia with Zebrina then went to Swimming Pool. Training: 500m freestyle warm up, 12X100m [3 sets of freestyle and 2 sets of main], 10X50m scalling(?), sprints.

Friday, October 17, 2008

School was the best today with the accompany of good friends! Liz, Meiyan and Victoria! ILY. Mass in the morning was great. Had this DJ thingy after mass. Cool cool. And guess what. The teacher totally forgot to dimiss the sec 4NA. We sat there stonning. Till about 10 minutes later. Went back to class, didn't do anything till recess. Talked to Mr Sim. Then Amath was okay then chemistry. I wanna drop chemistry. Hard hard hard.

Tomorrow swimming with NNW at cds. ((((((:

Thursday, October 16, 2008

Didnt want to go school today because I woke up late. But in the end, I went. School was horrible till O Level Math till school end. Had lots of fun with Zebrina. Damn lame. -.-'' We played the concentration game between us. Hahahaha. Went to the hall with Eunice for her rehearsal to end for mass. Left around 4 and bus-ed to compass. Went cold storage to get Lijie snacks. Went home, bathed, ate and rest. Waited for Eunice's text. Went down to Sheng Siong to meet her and she had her dinner. Came back to my house and started doing her 'card'. Left home and walked to 315 bus stop to meet Liz and Cheston. Journey to Serangoon interchange was super lame. Met Clara and walked to Lijie's house. Damn far away but fun. Reached her house and we didn't know what to do so that she won't know we're there. Saw her grandma sitting on the sofa so I started calling 'Ahma, ahma' but she didn't turn. After seconds, she turned and Liz said:'Ahma, wo men shi Lijie de peng you.' In the end, it wasn't the ahma who opened the door, it was Lijie. Hahahahaha. Eunice and Clara laughed like mad. Went up to her room, passed her the gifts and said Hi to her parents. Went back to her room, ate and she opened up her presents. I guess she's touched. Talked about past stuffs and cam-whored. Haha. I don't have the pictures. Upload soon. Went home at about 10.45pm. Took 315 with Eunice and saw Liz and Cheston at gardens. *waves vigourously* Walked to 159 bus stop with Eunice. Walked home after that and dad came down to fetch me. After bathing, it was 11.30pm. Slept.
School was still fun with Zebrina around. Ate almost the whole container of my tiger biscuit. After school, Eunice's rehearsal again. Went to take 88 then took 74 home. Was raining heavily. Homed and slept all the way till 7.30pm. Went for dinner at Sheng Siong, came home for a while and went to visit grandpa.
Gym and maybe tuition tomorrow. Saturday, maybe swimming at cds. Seehow. :D

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Met Joey and Melissa Tan at kovan for lunch. Had half a chicken. Walked around heartland mall then met Eunice. Took 81 to Pasir Ris and changed to 358 to go Downtown East. Met Jin Hui and went into Downtown East to take the application form. Left and went to take train from Compass to PS, walked around and saw Ujjal then took train again to go Vivo, walked around and took train back to Compass, went to Popular and bought the stuffs and went home.

Had tuition in the morning. Went home, had lunch and waited for Clara and Eunice to come. Came and went up to do the thing. Talked, ate, cut, paste, listened to music etc in the room. Then Clara and Eunice went down to buy Carrot Cake and came up. Clara got a shock when I stood at the door there staring at her talking to Eunice. Hahahaha. Ate and followed them to take 159. Alighted and bought bubble tea home. Ate, drank, slacked and did my O level Math. Visited grandfather at hospital then home.

Luckily school is starting at 8.30am tomorrow. Actually, I'm not looking forward to school. Such a bore.

Sunday, October 12, 2008

1) Are you single?
- Yes.
2) Are you happy?
- Now? Not really.
3) Are you bored?
- No.
4) Are you sad?
- Quite.
5) Are you fat?
- No.
6) Are you a virgin?
- Duh!
7) Are you afraid of the dark?
- Sometimes.
8) Are you good at cooking?
- Can cook magee mee.
9) Are you sleepy?
- No.
10) Are your parents still together?
- Yes.
1) Do you believe in love at first sight?
- No.
2) Have you ever been hurt emotionally?
- Yes but not love kind.
3) What is it that you look for in someone?
- Guess.
5) Are you afraid of commitments?
- I dont think so.
6) Have you hugged someone within the last week?
- No.
7) Have you ever had a secret admirer?
- I don't know.
8) Which ex did you love the most?
- Don't have.
9) Have you ever kissed someone of the same sex?
- No.
10) Have you ever cheated in a relationship?
- No.

TEN THIS OR THAT(choose only one):
1) Love or money?
- Love.
2) Hard liquor or beer?
- Nothing cause I don't drink.
3) Cats or dogs?
- Dogs.
4) A few best friends or many regular friends?
- A many regular friends.
5) Television or internet?
- Internet.
6) Pepsi or coke?
- Either one.
7) Wild night out or romantic night in?
- Wild night out.
8) Money or happiness?
- Happiness.
9) Night or day?
- Night.
10) MSN or phone?
- Phone.

1) Been caught sneaking out?
- I do not sneak out.
2) Been skinny dipping?
- Yes.
3) Done something you regret?
- Yes a lottt.
4) Bungee jumped?
- No!
5) Lied to someone you love?
- Duh.
6) Finished an entire jaw breaker?
- No.
7) Have you ever slept in someone else's bed?
- Duh.
8) Wanted an ex bf/gf back?
- No ex.
9) Cried because you lost a pet?
- No.
10) Wanted to disappear?
- No.

1) Smile or eyes:
- Smile.
2) Light or dark hair:
- Dark?
3) Hugs or kisses:
- Hugs.
4) Shorter or taller:
- Taller.
5) Intelligence or attraction:
- Attraction.
6) Romantic or spontaneous:
- Spontaneuos.
7) Hook-up or relationship:
- Relationship.
8) Dinner out or takeaways:
- Dinner out.
9) Hot or cute:
- Hot!
10) Educated or dropout:
- Educated.

1) Last phone call you made:
- Forgot.
2) Last phone call you received:
- Forgot too.
3) Last person you hung out with:
- AKLTG peeps.
4) Last person you scold vulgarities:
- I don't say it nowadays.
5) Last person(s) you hugged:
- Don't have.
6) Last text message you received:
- Eunice Sim.
7) Last person(s) you went to the movies with:
- Cannot remember, long time ago.
8) Last person/thing you missed:
- Swimmers.
9) Last thing you touched:
- Laptop.
10) Last person/thing to piss you off:
- Don't bother asking.

Went for my mum's army retreat at toa payoh park till about 4.30pm. Went for tuition till 7pm. Went home and as usual, went to visit grandpa at ttsh.

Whole day spent at AKLTG. From 9am-9pm. ): Morning had training by Leroy then went for lunch break then training by Andrea. She's damn funny. She said people say she has moon face because her chin is curve out one. She said New Moon Abalone should have employ her instead of Fann Wong. Get it? HAHAHAHAHA. She disturbed one korean guy. Our group was called the kimchi. Hahahaha, damn funny. But we won. Went for dinner break and training by Ridhwan. He's a funny guy too. I think his voice suits a girl more. Haha. Fun fun fun but the contents are boring. Because, I learnt before. Urghhh. But overall, I laughed a lot. And and and I've learnt that Laughter is the medicine.

Friday, October 10, 2008

I miss this people! :D Say it with me. Swim-me-rs.

Okay blog later.

Today's my maid's birthday! Haha.
I'm going for *** with Ah lau and Eunice. But most importantly, I must tell ah lau eunice's going too. Hope you see this. :D The person replied me anyway ah lauzxz.



October 2007
November 2007
December 2007
January 2008
February 2008
March 2008
April 2008
May 2008
June 2008
July 2008
August 2008
September 2008
October 2008


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